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It's quite important to study History

Why on earth do people keep on looking at the past? Why not look to the future? Dear reader, if you think that history is not very important, let me be the first to tell you otherwise.

First of all, let me address some common misconceptions people have about studying history. I've heard many say that the study of history is made redundant by our fast paced society which requires us to make adjustments and look to the future instead of looking at our past. So, have you heard of the Holocaust? Or Chernobyl? 9/11?

Studying history honours those who suffered

We get a deeper look into the lives which these people lived and the pain they suffered at the hands of oppressors. To me, it is essential that no one forgets these events as they have shaped millions of people’s lives in unthinkable ways. To study and remember them is a way of honouring those who lost their lives.

And allows us to prevent the same from occurring

When we look into the past, history gives us insight into mistakes that mankind has made in the past and prevents the exact same from happening in the future. Many intelligence agencies have looked to historians of those with certain knowledge to unravel the mysteries of events and to have a good chance at preventing the same tragedies from occurring again.

And, believe it or not, history enables people to take a glimpse into the future. It shows a path of development or trajectory that will continue to be followed. Tom Levesson, professor of Science Writing at the famed Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT), hosted a panel where he talked about the importance of the study of the past to aid the growth and development of the future. As he put it, the study of history helps his students to refine their “bullshit detectors”.

To him, when scientists make use of historical reference to present their findings, not only are they able to inform but to also “enlist one’s readers in the gerunds of science”. Basically, to convince and draw in the reader. History brings depth to writing.

A look into the past helps us comprehend the present

Ever heard of the Romans? Or the Byzantinians? Civilizations that were once considered the preeminent societies that would last for eons. And yet, they all eventually fell.

Will the face of the world change in the years to come? Only history can tell us.

There's more to History than just the dates and occurrence of an event. What sparked Hitler to wage war? Why does China lay claim to the Spratly Islands? Is the bible telling the truth? All of these things are presented when people dive into the study of history. Not the mundane, but the perplexing and intriguing.

Last but not least, a degree in History can actually go a long way. Many business executives have taken a history degree. Multiple prominent people, including the likes of George Bush, Sacha Baron Cohen, Prince Charles all studied History at prestigious institutions. The study of history is known to broaden your perspective and view of many issues, a useful skill which could bring you a long way in your career.

In all honesty, I cannot force anyone to study History. To me, it is a story that has survived the test of time and one that will continue to exist for several generations. But I hope in reading this you, the reader, can understand why the study of History is not one that should be easily overlooked.

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